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Frena Beetroot
31 ₪
Mashed potatoes, pumpkin, eggplant, scrambled egg, chuma pepper and pickled lemon

Frena Sabih
32 ₪
Fried eggplant, boiled potato, shallot, garlic egg, chilli, green onion, tahini and parsley

Cauliflower fried in the oven in the prana
38 ₪
Tomato salsa, Har Bracha tahini, herbs, olive oil and lemon

Frena asado
58 ₪
Long cooking asado, confit garlic, charred onion, cherry confit, mustard aioli and smoked paprika

Lamb, veal and chicken shawarma in a frena bread
67 ₪
Green tahini, ambala, tomatoes and grilled onions, garlic confit and shifka

Frena Kebab
60 ₪
Kebab with a mixture of spices, tahini, parsley, tomatoes, ambala, and mint